Working with Gender Dysphoria

Deepen your understanding of gender dysphoria and become equipped with a framework to support your clients towards greater ease and wellbeing.


"This has provided huge clarity as a frame for me to bring to my work with trans young people".



  1. The two biggest myths and mistakes that we make in understanding dysphoria
  2. What dysphoria actually is. The CAUSE.
  3. A 3-part framework for dysphoria relief


  • Does this model deny the need for medical transition?
  • Client: "I will never be okay with myself because I was born into the wrong body"
  • I'm cisgender. How do I help my trans clients feel comfortable to share?
  • I struggle when parents see surgery/hormones as body mutilation
  • Does passing = Less dysphoria?
  • what can I do if my client is experiencing an instance of worsened dysphoria
  • How to support young people who are not out to their parents?
  • and more

What Others Have Said

  • Thank you Ari!! I'm so grateful for your time and expertise today
  • This was wonderful... Lots of lightbulb moments. I appreciate you!
  • What an incredible contribution Ari, thank you!!
  • This has been amazing!
  • The framework… to have it all laid out like the whys and connections, it's so helpful.
  • I feel this model really makes inherent sense, and put to words some feelings I have had doing this work. It was really  great and put it all together so well!
  • That was fantastic, I learned so much and I know will really benefit from having that framework and enhanced language to draw upon. Thank you, your expertise, clarity and curiosity are all profound and so valuable
  • Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your therapeutic perspective and approach!
  • Powerful and meaningful work here. Thank you. 
  • Thank you! It's been so helpful and informative. It's powerful to be able to reframe things
  • Very informative and valuable. Amazing PD
  • Appreciate the practical framework and in-depth explanation.
  • It was a great presentation and I am excited that you are doing this work
  • The reflection you shared where the external source of the dysphoria was highlighted was so helpful.
  • Today was incredibly informative
  • Fantastic workshop thanks so much Ari!

About the Speaker

Hi, my name is Ari Heart (they/them).

I am a trans non-binary person, psychotherapist, parent, educator, and Co-Founder of Trans Wellbeing.

This presentation is born out of years of professional study and personal observation, recent research publications and over a decade of conversations with clients and community, personal therapy, and consultation with respected colleagues and mentors in the field.

It is the conceptual framework underpinning every intervention I use with trans clients, and that has allowed me to contribute to greater ease and personal liberation for countless clients, as well as myself.

“Ari is a caring and thoughtful practitioner who I have known for many years, they’re someone I trust and highly respect. I’m so happy for our young people that they are doing this work.”

Starlady, Zoe Belle Gender Collective